1838 Sampler


This sampler (250mm square) was done by Julia Harriot Setchell (later Gosney, born 1828?, date of death unknown).

Dated 12 March 1838 when she was 10 years old, it is inscribed "In every rank or great or small, Tis industry supports us all" and was done at Castor (near Peterborough).

She married Elias Gosney (dates of birth and death unknown), and had two sons, Robert Elias (born 27 October 1856, died 13 November 1935) and

Elias Edward (born 1867, died 25 February 1947). Robert Elias married Marianne Elizabeth Boultwood who did the 1865 sampler


Produced by Roger Sawkins, roger@sawkins.name or PO Box 57, Cannon Hill, Queensland 4170, Australia (61 7 3398 4222).
Last updated September 2004