30 Prince Albert Square, Redhill, Surrey, UK

Owned by Roger and Justine Sawkins from 1964 until April 1967. Paul also lived there.

Scroll down to see all the photographs, which are in date order



We pushed out the wall between the kitchen and the dining room and built an open-plan kitchen. I think it was regarded as rather radical! At the same time we extended the house at the back with a conservatory which brought in more light. The first kitchen designed by Roger Sawkins!

May 1965


The house was a typical terrace house with two bedrooms.

May 1965


The back yard had little space but some nice fruit trees. The garage (behind the photographer) was at the bottom of the garden with access from the gaps between the houses.



Not the end house, but the next one down. This photo was taken some years after Roger and Justine Sawkins lived there.

Produced by Roger Sawkins, roger@sawkins.name or PO Box 57, Cannon Hill, Queensland 4170, Australia (61 7 3398 4222).
Last updated December 2003