1 Nepean Court, Carina, Brisbane, Australia

Owned by Gary Yong Gee from March 1990. Roger Sawkins moved there in December 1990.

Scroll down to see all the photographs, which are in date order

January 1991


Not long after it was bought and before the house at the back was built.



The orchid house shortly after it was finished.

January 1993


After the huge house behind us was built, but before the extensions to our place. The car was Roger's Daihatsu Charade.

December 1993


After the extensions were finished, adding a double garage and deck and moving the kitchen and stairs.



A view of the deck from the sliding lounge doors.



The sliding doors leading to the deck before the solar panels were put on the flat roof. The flat roof on the right had a pipe on it to heat the shower on the deck.

Produced by Roger Sawkins, roger@sawkins.name or PO Box 57, Cannon Hill, Queensland 4170, Australia (61 7 3398 4222).
Last updated December 2003