15 Horrocks Street, Torrens, ACT, Australia

Roger and Justine Sawkins rented this house from May 1967 to December 1969 and Paul, Joachim and Dominic lived there.

Scroll down to see all the photographs, which are in date order



The main sitting room had a very efficient heater which was sufficient for the whole house. Paul Sawkins is in the photo.



Moving in the furniture. Nothing was damaged after the long journey.



I had never seen soil so bare as that in Torrens when we moved there. The adjoining house, which stayed empty for some time, never grew anything until somebody started the garden.



The view over the back fence. Roger and Justine's house was the first occupied house in Torrens.

May 1967


Looking down the road towards the Woden Centre.

December 1968


We started with (free) trees from the Canberra nursery and laid out the back garden as the adjoining houses became occupied.

February 1969


Growing grass was not easy in the dry climate, and the garden was slow to establish.



After Justine and Roger Sawkins left the long front yard became partly respectable and the trees grew.

Produced by Roger Sawkins, roger@sawkins.name or PO Box 57, Cannon Hill, Queensland 4170, Australia (61 7 3398 4222).
Last updated December 2003